Proverbs: A Key to Living and Leading Well

Proverbs is one of my favorite books.  Each year I have the habit of praying through this book two or three times, and committing several passages to memory.  After reading each verse, I pause to confess sin and ask for provision related to what I just read.

Wisdom is extremely important for living a life on mission, for we see it at work in the missionary God.  Wisdom was present before the Lord established the foundations of the earth (Prov 8:22-31). And it was through wisdom that He brought creation into existence (Prov 3:19).

Wisdom has been a part of the lives of those the Lord has used in working out his mission in the world.  It was by wisdom that Solomon was able to solve a great conundrum (1 Kings 3:16-28) that elevated his leadership value in the eyes of the people.

Wisdom is greater than gold and silver (Proverbs 16:16) and nothing we desire compares to her (Proverbs 3:15).  Wisdom guides and protects (Proverbs 1:20-33), and we should guard her with all of our might (Proverbs 4:6).

We are to desire wisdom (Prov 2:1-6) and ask for her–for the Lord provides her (Proverbs 2:6).  We are to seek after her (Prov 4:5)–for such an act is not a chasing after the wind.

Wisdom is required to lead well.  We face great challenges to the advancement of the gospel in both the Majority World and the post-Christianized western world.  We need wisdom not just for thinking missiologically, but for knowing how to live out the Kingdom Ethic as we equip others to do the work of the ministry (Eph 4:11-12).

In addition to regular readings from Proverbs, I have included in my daily time with the Lord a request for increased wisdom, knowledge, and discernment.  I hunger for wisdom.  And you should too.  She will guard your heart, guide your steps, and gratify your cravings.  She will keep you from the arrogance and self-exaltation that is found among many leaders today (Prov 11:2).  She will enable you to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord.

To lead well, you must live well.  And to live well, you must follow the path that only wisdom can offer.

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