When the Ordinary Does the Extraordinary 3

We want to start with the extraordinary.  Iron Man. The Incredible Hulk.

“We want the high caliber, high capacity-type to lead this ministry.  For apart from these we can do nothing. We want Superman, not the Greatest American Hero!”

We want to use the extraordinary to reach the world.

“If only our church had some outstanding leaders, then we would be better poised to reach the 4 billion. Unfortunately, global disciple making will have to wait until we can find just one.”

We want the extraordinary because we think they are the way to accomplish the extraordinary.

“Multiplying churches is a daunting task, please send us some strong leaders to enable our church to be about such work.”

But…what if the way to reach the nations is not through the extraordinary.  What if in our Father’s Kingdom economy the primary way to accomplish the extraordinary is through the ordinary?

“Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13 ESV).

Do you catch that?  The ordinary doing the extraordinary.

Yes, our Father uses the extraordinary to accomplish the extraordinary, but not in the way we have come to believe.  For the extraordinary is found in Jesus and not His followers’ intellect, leadership capacity, experience, degrees, or charisma.

What about your church?  Do you have any members who are common, ordinary people?  Are you a common person?  If so, then you and your church are in a good position for the Lord to do the extraordinary through you.

“But ordinary people can’t plant extraordinary churches?”

Really? What is your definition of extraordinary?

“With all that they have going on with work and family, they can’t organize, administrate, lead, preach, and conduct church ministries like I do.”

Then maybe you need to revise your understanding of what is necessary for a healthy local church to exist and be involved in our commission?

The way to accomplish the extraordinary is through the ordinary.  The ordinary confounded the religious leaders.  The ordinary was accused of turning the world upside down in the first century (Acts 17:6).  The ordinary was responsible for the word of the Lord going forth everywhere (1 Thes 1:8).  And it was through the service of the ordinary that you and I eventually came to faith in the extraordinary.

Stop looking for the extraordinary among people. Look for the ordinary who are filled with the extraordinary. . . if you want to accomplish the extraordinary.

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3 thoughts on “When the Ordinary Does the Extraordinary

  • Joel Nunley

    Amen. God has always used the ‘ordinary’ men and women to build His kingdom here on earth. I am reminded of William Carey who was the ‘cobbler’ turned missionary to India ‘Expect great things from God!, Attempt great things for God!’ and everyday ordinary christians will as well when they attempt extraordinary tasks in the power of the Spirit and the fulfillment of the great commission.

  • Dan B.

    This is God’s way so that he gets all the glory. Paul was the greatest sinner but also the greatest evangelist and church planter. Peter denied the Lord but was the leader of the first church. David was a notorious adulterer and murderer but most embodied God’s forgiveness. And Bathsheba, the most notorious adulturess, authored likely authored Proverbs 31, the greatest essay on how to be a godly woman. When we are weak, we are strong, because it’s God’s power. Our “gifts” are just that. They come from God, not from our ability, and are tied to our weaknesses and frailties. Imho.