
ethnecityLast week, I sent out a tweet sharing about a new resource that just came on-line.  ethneCITY is something you need to check out, if you have not done so already.  While there are a few (emphasis on few) web-based resources addressing the movement of the nations of the world, this one provides us with a unique perspective and tools to assist in our Great Commission labors.  I greatly appreciate the International Mission Board for stepping up to the plate to draw our attention to the unreached peoples that have migrated to the urban contexts, especially in North America.

Terry Sharp, Director/Lead Strategist for State and Association Relations and Urban Mobilization Strategies with the International Mission Board, has been running point on ethneCity, and doing an excellent job beating the drum for reaching the strangers next door.  I asked Terry to share a few matters related to ethneCity.

Terry, give us a one sentence summary of ethneCity. is designed to assist those reaching out to the diaspora people groups globally and those living next door by providing resources, networking, and training opportunities.

What kind of resources will someone find on this site?

There are links to bibles, tracts, as well as the Jesus Film in different languages – things you can’t find by running down to your local Christian book store. There are also practical resources such as evangelistic tools, music, books, and apps.  We’ll be adding resources weekly.  I would also welcome information about resources we have yet to discover and list on the website.

You mentioned that ethneCITY also provides networking opportunities. Can you explain?

Yes.  We want to provide an opportunity for collaborative conversation with opportunities for peer learning and we want to help link  people who are working with the same people group. It doesn’t matter whether they are in LA, New York, or in between because we’ll have whiteboard sessions where people can dialogue with one another. We’ll also help link people who may be working overseas with a people group to those working with that same people group right here in North America.

In addition, to the networking opportunities what type of  training is offered?

We are hosting webinars on a regular basis and offer peer learning opportunities between practitioners across North America and around the world. For example, this month’s webinar was sharing the gospel with Hindus. We’ve also offered webinars such as Reaching Millennials and Developing a Strategy for Missions.

Thanks, Terry, for sharing with us.


This is an excellent resource, and I look forward to its development in the days to come.  I have already been pointing members of The Church at Brook Hills to it.  My prayer is that the Lord will use ethneCity so that the strangers next door will be strangers no more!

Take advantage of its contents, and stay up-to-date with what is happening at ethneCity.  And, at Terry’s request, let him know what needs to be added.  You may submit ideas through the site or track down Terry on Twitter @terrysharpimb.

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