Evolution of Your Position

We know the world is filled with rapid change. We often say, “change is the only constant.”

Since such is the case, we should expect our ministry positions to change with time. They are in a state of evolution with shifting contexts.

However, many leaders do not recognize this matter.  In fact, if the pastor is called to equip the saints for the work of the ministry (Eph 4:11-12), then he is to be constantly working himself out of jobs and into new ones with his church. Planned role changes are a must.

Positional evolution does not mean the pastor ceases to be a biblical pastor, the teacher a teacher, the professor a professor, or the leader a leader. It means the culturally preferred structures that define these positions change over time and we must adjust appropriately.

And such change is okay. Culturally determined structures are not biblical prescriptions. Of course, recognizing the reality of positional evolution is difficult. For in our hearts, the structures are the same yesterday, today, and until Jesus returns.

We know change is constant. We must be wise Kingdom stewards and engage change with a proactive approach. We are filled with the Spirit; He will lead us as we lead others.

Expecting, embracing, and adjusting to change is an important key to healthy ministerial longevity.

If we do not intentionally adjust, change will eventually change us, and usually it is not for the good. When positional evolution is forced upon us, it often demands our resignations and transitions to other ministries.

Change is happening. The wise Kingdom steward recognizes this and changes for the glory of God.

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