Remembering Yemen 1

Yemen has been in the news a great deal for the past several months. However, global attention recently has been raised to a new level with some asking if the crisis is about to spark a regional war.

If you need a summary of what is happening, check out this article or list of quick facts and timeline.

According to, the population of Yemen is 27,800,000. Pray for the World estimates the Evangelical Christian population at 4,300, or 0.015% of the population. Therefore, the population of the unreached people groups in Yemen is approximately the entire population of the country. All of the 17 people groups making up the country of Yemen are unreached peoples. And within this 17, 15 people groups are unengaged-unreached–meaning no intentional church planting strategy is happening among them. As of this post, Joshua Project has two Yemeni people groups (Tihami and Yemeni, Northern) on their top-ten priority unreached list.

  • Pray for peace to come to the country
  • Pray for righteous leaders for Yemen with wisdom to make right decisions
  • Pray for world leaders as they make decisions regarding Yemen
  • Pray for the believers
  • Pray that the Lord may use such horrors to draw people to Himself
  • Pray for ___________.

Will you remember Yemen as you read this post?

While many of us are geographically far removed from Yemen, may we (at least in the States) not forget that the Yemenis are nearby (at least HERE and HERE) and need a neighbor who can offer hope (Eph 4:4) and peace (Isa 9:6). May they not be the strangers next door to us.


David Platt was my guest last week on Strike the Match. Check out our conversation and subscribe at iTunes or through RSS.

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