Four Fields of Kingdom Growth 4

Four Fields of Kingdom Growth is an excellent church planting resource. I am so thankful for our brother and sister who took the time to write this back in 2007. It is a doctrinally-sound work that was birthed out of praxis, not theory, and is being used of the Lord in an amazing way.

Some of you are very familiar with Four Fields. However, most people, particularly those serving in the Western world, are not aware of this manual.

If you have not read it, you should. And after you read it, apply it–yes, especially in North America. I highly recommend this work and reference it in my forthcoming book.

If you have read it and are using it, tell others about it. It is how they will come to benefit from it too.


Last Friday on Strike the Match, Dr. Bryan Galloway and I discussed the massive research underway to identify the unreached people groups in the 100 largest U. S. metro areas and 5 largest Canadian metro areas. Check out our conversation at iTunes or through RSS.

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4 thoughts on “Four Fields of Kingdom Growth

  • Dave R.

    This is a great resources! In 2014 this manual was updated. Should be easy to find the newer version online.

  • Aaron Dininny

    I was introduced to this resource in seminary (SEBTS). Then a group of students and I went to India to teach it to pastors. It was so simple and reproducible, I began to wonder what this would look like in our context in the states. So I taught it to our youth to introduce them to the idea of church planting. Then, I used the visual to show the pastor search team how we were going to see kingdom growth here and internationally by implementing this strategy. 2.5 years later, now as the pastor of our church, I am re-teaching/reminding our leadership what we committed to and that God will bless our faithfulness if we continue to cultivate the soil, plant good seed, nurture growth and ready the harvest, all while intentionally developing leaders along the way. Thanks for posting this!

  • JD Post author

    Great word, Aaron! I hope other pastors follow your example with such vision casting and practical training!