Two Types of Busy 1

One type of busy keeps you in constant motion. You are always going, doing, never stopping until you collapse in bed at night.

This kind of busy brings the praise of others, “Look at how busy he is!” But this kind of busy keeps you, and those you lead, in the status quo.

This busy allows no time for serious thought and prayer. It can also be an excuse for laziness. Oh, you’ll be doing a great deal of stuff, but not what is most important.

Remaining in the boat of status quo is comfortable as long as your world is smooth waters. But we live in the rapids and are approaching a waterfall.

The other type of busy gets more accomplished, has a multiplicative effect, and keeps you from constant motion. More is accomplished by less movement. More is accomplished by being still and knowing. This type of busy requires you to breathe. It is more focused and allows for reflection and prayer. And where there is much thought and prayer there is change.

This type of busy is dangerous. It causes a ruckus by pushing against the status quo. It sees the waterfall from miles away when everyone is saying “safe, safe,” and refuses to allow the boat near it.


What does innovation in missions look like? I addressed this topic last Friday on Strike the Match. Check it out on iTunes or RSS.

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