
Paul writes, “Therefore be imitators of God” (Eph 5:1). At first glance, calling this declaration a daunting task is the understatement of the century! Given the context, the apostle was exhorting his readers to love and show compassion toward one another. Christ forgave them, so they should forgive their brothers […]

You Want Me to Imitate God?

“So he poured on him the heat of his anger and the might of battle; it set him on fire all around, but he did not understand; it burned him up, but he did not take it to heart” (Isaiah 42:25, ESV). The mind of the dead is unable to […]

Y is not the Problem with Z

Kingdom citizens are called to love God with all of their minds (Matt 22:37). They are called to be people of understanding, for “the wise lay up knowledge” (Prov 10:14, ESV). Part of the stewardship that comes with Kingdom citizenship is that of thinking. Thinking about God. Thinking about His […]

Those Who Think, Read

Get wisdom above all else. She is more precious than gold (Prov 3:13-15). Satan wants you to be wise (Gen 3:5-6). Don’t forget this. He offers a semi-divine wisdom. Just enough to have one-up on others. Just enough to damn one to hell. Just enough to make you think you […]

Foolish Path to Wisdom