Ralph Winter

What would happen if a mission agency started advertising their mission statement as: to plant churches among the world’s most reached people groups? Would you lead your church to other countries to pour the overwhelming majority of your evangelistic efforts into serving reached people groups, knowing 6800 unreached people groups […]

Reaching the World’s Most Reached People Groups

A couple of years ago Marv Newell published Expect Great Things: Mission Quotes that Inform and Inspire (William Carey). I was very excited when this book was released. It is now one of the coolest books in my library. This work is filled with quotes from 2000 years of Church […]

Mission Quotes

Churches and mission agencies have been thankful for the global work of the U. S. Center for World Mission.  For almost four decades, the Center has been involved in Kingdom advancing labors. If you are familiar with the name Ralph Winter, unreached people groups, or the Perspectives course (to mention […]

Dave Datema with Frontier Ventures

Twenty-two years ago I told Jesus I was willing to pastor His people.  Twenty-two years ago.  Much has happened over this period of time. Much has changed; much has remained the same. One matter that has remained for the past two decades is the priority of our disciple making and […]

20 Year Priority

We love signs.  We want signs.  Without a sign, we don’t move. I recently heard of two pastors locked in conversation. One shared with the other his thoughts on multiplying disciples and churches.  His ideas were biblical and simple, but did not fit the traditional paradigm.  The other pastor replied, […]

Stop Asking for a Sign

This is the second post in the series that I’m doing on my forthcoming work Pressure Points: Twelve Global Issues Shaping the Face of the Church.  While popular evangelical conversations and strategy shifts related to “unreached people groups” can be traced to 1974, the reality is that thirty-nine years later this […]

Pressure Point #1 Unreached Peoples