seminary education

I have been in the classroom since the late 1990s. During my graduate studies, I felt the Lord leading me to the halls of academia. There were no classes to guide a person through the steps to become–and thrive as–a seminary professor. I watched what was modeled in front of […]

Another Giveaway: Professor Talk

There is a great omission in theological education: a seminary-wide approach to train pastors to develop an apostolic imagination. While there are exceptions, very few schools have this as a core value. Yes, pastors are called to pastoral ministry. However, the apostolic mindset is necessary to assist with proper thoughts […]

A Great Commission Omission in Theological Education

One of my greatest blessings has been the opportunity to complete two theological degrees.  Closely related to this blessing was when I served as a college and seminary professor.  I am pro-formal theological education. I am thankful for the academy. I continue to serve as an adjunctive professor. However, one […]

On Theological Education