William Carey Library

Roland Allen’s The Ministry of Expansion: The Priesthood of the Laity is to be released by William Carey Library on September 15. It will be at the Evangelical Missiological Society’s meeting in Dallas that day. If you are attending the event, stop by the book table and be one of the […]

When Traditions are Unable to Keep Up with the Spirit

If you caught my most recent interview with the guys at Salty Believer or my recent tweets, then this post will not come as a surprise. I am working on three books for this year–two are already written, one I am presently editing.  I am incredibly excited about each of […]

Books I’m Writing this Year

I wanted to share with you a book that was just released a few weeks ago.  Craig Ott and I co-edited Missionary Methods: Research, Reflections, and Realities (William Carey Library) as a part of the Evangelical Missiological Society Series. 2012 marked the 100th anniversary of the publication of Roland Allen’s […]

New Book Missionary Methods