Envisioning Effective Ministry: Evangelism in a Muslim Context

I want to share with you another book that you need to add to your library.  Envisioning Effective Ministry: Evangelism in a Muslim Context is hot off the press.  It is the best of the best EMQ articles on what you need to know about ministering to Muslims.  My friends Laurie Fortunak Nichols and Gary Corwin have edited this collection that I believe you will find to be of great value to your ministry. 

Laurie is the managing editor of Evangelical Missions Quarterly and editorial coordinator at the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College.  She is also editorial coordinator of Lausanne World Pulse.  Gary is associate editor of Evangelical Missions Quarterly and staff missiologist with the international office of Serving in Mission(SIM). 

Recently, I was able to interview them about their book.    

Tell us about Envisioning Effective Ministry.
For 46 years, practitioners and missiologists have been writing articles for Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ) on issues related to Muslim ministry. These articles come from top-notch leaders such as Phil Parshall, Dudley Woodberry, John Travis, Warren Larson, and others. The scope of the discussion goes well beyond this book, but our goal was to compile the top 40 or so articles which have appeared over the years into one compilation. The book covers everything from understanding Islam to issues of contextualization and theology to practical helps in building relationships, church planting, and evangelism. We asked Greg Livingstone to write a foreword on Muslim ministry today and Gary wrote the epilogue on the future of Muslim ministry. John Travis wrote an appendix on receiving prayer for healing of the heart.

Why did you edit this collection of articles on Muslim ministry?

It was really the intersection of felt need with good stewardship. There are a lot of important information needs and issues afoot today with regard to Muslim evangelism and ministry, and EMQ is a repository of 46 years of excellent thought on this subject. The more appropriate question might be, How could we not publish such a book?

What are some of the encouraging things happening in Muslim ministry today?
There are many! The last 30 years have witnessed dramatic breakthroughs for the gospel in a number of predominantly Muslim lands. Disciples are being made and churches are being established in places that boggle the mind, often at great personal cost to those turning to Christ. Beyond that, the harvest force involved with reaching Muslims has multiplied exponentially and is now numbered in the thousands, with a great many of them coming from the majority world!

There have been several books over the past few years on Muslim ministry. What makes this book different from the rest?
One of the best things about this book is the fact that it shows the progression of ideas and issues over time, with the different points of view on various subjects represented by so many key leaders. It also has an advantage in not being ponderous or unwelcoming to non-academics. The articles are short, crisp, and to the point.

Why would our North American readers find this book to be of value?
Not only are many workers in God’s family called overseas to serve in Muslim areas, but increasingly more and more Muslims are moving to North America, are finding this to be home, and are having families. The growth in this world religion even here in the U.S. is staggering, and we all have a calling and a responsibility to reach our neighbors with the love of Christ. EEM is intended to give not only an historical look at the key issues, but to provide help in understanding Islam and how to share the gospel most effectively with our Muslim friends.

How can our readers find out more about your ministry?
The Evangelism and Missions Information Service is the publishing division of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College. Our publications include:

  • Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ), a quarterly journal providing practical articles from veteran missionaries around the world. It is also available online at www.emqonline.com. There is an annual subscription fee.
  • Lausanne World Pulse (www.lausanneworldpulse.com), a free, monthly, online-only publication providing news and information by Christian leaders around the world on issues related to evangelism and missions.
  • Centerline, the quarterly newsletter of the Billy Graham Center. You can access it at: www.billygrahamcenter.com/bgcadmin/centerline.html a variety of other books on missions, including helps for those in prison ministry and Muslim ministry. For a list, visit: www.emisdirect.com.

Thank you, Laurie and Gary, for sharing with my readers today.  Keep up the great work for the Kingdom!

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