Small Group Discussion and Evangelism

When I wrote Evangelism: A Biblical Response to Today’s Questions, I wanted to produce a book that would be a valuable resource to local churches.  I desired to create something that pastors would be willing to share with their church members.  (We do not need to go to the statistical file to dig up numerical evidence to make the case that few of the members of our churches regularly and intentionally share the gospel.).

When I wrote the book, I designed it to be a work that would not only  provide a solid biblical/theological  foundation and practical implications for evangelism, but a book that would also get people talking about–and living out–this important subject.

Therefore, one of the best ways to use this book is in a small group setting.  To assist churches with small group discussions, each chapter concludes with some open ended questions.  I guarantee these will get your group talking!

While we mostly experience books in isolation, group settings allow for a completely different learning and growth experience.  It is in the context of sharing with other brothers and sisters that we encourage one another, grow in community, and hold each other accountable.

And we all need accountability in the area of evangelism. Right?

Do the people in your small group, church, or organization struggle when it comes to sharing the gospel? Encourage them to get a copy of the book and begin a small group discussion.  They will develop a better understanding of the gospel, who they are in Christ, and how to put feet to their evangelism as they address their struggles.

And now that Oprah is leaving, I don’t think my book will ever become her book-of-the-month.  So, please tell your people not to wait for Oprah’s recommendation.

If you decide to use my book in a small group setting, please shoot me an email (  I would love to hear your stories of how it is assisting you and your church.

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