Monthly Archives: November 2011

Few churches in North America are involved in church planting.  I want to be involved in changing this unfortunate reality. Today, I am releasing my latest e-book Leading Your Church in Church Planting: Taking the First Steps.  This 62-page work is designed to encourage and provide some guidance for pastors […]

Free E-Book: Leading Your Church in Church Planting

My last post addressed the new stats released by the Institute of International Education.  The United States has reached a record high in the number of international students now enrolled in its colleges and universities.  I consider this a very good situation.  It is a wonderful opportunity for the Church […]

International Students: Removing the Tradition of Geography

An important report addressing the 2010-2011 numbers of international students in the United States was just released from the Institute of International Education.  I have greatly appreciated their research over the years.  A most helpful annual document is Open Doors Fast Facts (below are two tables from the document).  This […]

Record Number of International Students in U. S.