The Day J. I. Packer Called My House

(image credit: Regent College)

Today, July 22, is J. I. Packer’s birthday. For most of you, I do not need to introduce this brother. However, HERE and HERE are some links related to him, if you desire.

Like many of you, I have been influenced by Packer’s writings. My introduction to him came through Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God. I was a pastor and seminary student at the time.

Years later, I considered a foreword writer to my book Evangelism: A Biblical Response to Today’s Questions. Since the book is part theology and part praxis, I wondered if Dr. Packer would be willing and able to contribute to my work. He did not know me. I was a seminary professor and on the other side of the continent.

I’ll reach out to him, I thought, but doubt if a man of his caliber would be interested. And if he is interested, I am certain he would be way too busy to write a foreword for an unknown author.

My book was published in 2011, so it must have been 2010 when I attempted to reach out to him. Not finding an email address, I asked my assistant to contact Regent College in Vancouver where he taught. Later that day, I was told the school said Dr. Packer did not have an email address and did not own a computer! However, they instructed me to print a hard copy of my manuscript and mail it to his office with a letter of inquiry.

Feeling like I had returned to the 1980s, I did as I was told and thought little of the possibility of any future interaction with Dr. Packer.

Sometime later, I came home one evening and found a message on my answering machine. It was Dr. Packer. He said he had received my package, read the book, and was mailing the foreword to my address. I returned his call to say how much I appreciated his time and willingness to make this contribution. He was very gracious and kind.

I soon received his letter. It was the foreword to my book–composed on a typewriter! He had made a couple of typos and had used proofreaders’ markings to correct his errors! My assistant had to take his copy and put it into electronic form for the publisher. I still have that letter.

I share this story to point to God’s grace in this brother’s life. The sanctification of the Spirit was revealed to me through his humility, kindness, and encouragement. Here was a theological giant of our day willing to go out-of-the way for someone he had never met.

In no way am I writing that if he had been unable to contribute to my book, or even if he had never responded to me, then I would consider him arrogant and unkind. That would not be fair and would be judgmental on my part.

However, I share this story to remind us of the grace we have received through Christ. No matter who we are (great or small), may we all do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly (Micah 6:8). We are servants. May we serve well!

Thank you, Dr. Packer, for modeling this to me several years ago. Happy birthday, brother! Keep up the great Kingdom work!

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