Church at Brook Hills

After we receive the Informed Consent, Church Planter’s Profile, and Background Check (see previous post for more information), we provide three additional formal assessment tools. Small Group Leader’s Assessment. We ask the potential planter’s small group leader to provide an assessment (for both husband and wife if applicable). The majority of this […]

3 More Tools for Assessing Church Planters

As mentioned, the Assessment and Equipping Steps are interdependent. We move our members through these steps simultaneously. For the ease of explanation, I will address our Assessment Step before sharing the elements of our Equipping Step. After members agree they need to move beyond the Points to Ponder, we provide […]

Three Tools to Begin Your Church Planter Assessment

This is the fourth post in my series on how The Church at Brook Hills is sending church planting teams to unreached people groups in North America. After the Inquiring Step, we take our members to the Assessing and Equipping Steps. Both of these steps are related to one another. […]

6 C’s of Our Church Planters’ Assessment

This is the third post in my series on how The Church at Brook Hills is preparing and sending church planting teams to North America. I encourage you to read the previous two posts. They likely will answer questions that may come from reading this post. As promised in my […]

19 Points to Ponder for Potential Church Planters