Roland Allen

Roland Allen was born on this date in 1868. He turned the world of missions upside down. Allen (1868-1947) was an Anglican, priest, missionary, author, and provocateur. While his influence was felt in the latter twentieth and twenty-first centuries, his views were often disregarded during his lifetime. Books such as Missionary […]

Roland Allen’s Birthday

Roland Allen died on this date in 1947. Allen was an Anglican, priest, missionary, author, and provocateur. While his influence in missions was felt in the latter twentieth and twenty-first centuries, he was often disregarded during his lifetime. Books such as Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Ours? (1912) and The […]

Roland Allen

“It is gradually becoming clear that the pattern which has been followed up to now (one-way traffic in missions, spiritual and financial dependence of the younger Churches, and the like) is old, obsolete, and thus about to disappear.” Here is a fascinating quote, one that recognizes missionary work now exists […]

Why Does it Take Decades for Methods to Adjust to ...

Today marks the death of one of the most influential missionary thinkers of the 20th century: Anglican priest, Roland Allen. Missiological giants such as Lesslie Newbigin and Donald McGavran drank deeply from Allen’s well. Allen served for a few years in China and lived through the Boxer Uprising. He later […]

Roland Allen: Misunderstood Prophet

Dr. Steven Rutt has written the definitive works on Roland Allen. And both of these books were published in 2018. Roland Allen: A Missionary Life is an outstanding biography on the man behind such books as Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Ours? and The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church. And […]

Steven Rutt on Roland Allen’s Life and Work