
During the gold rush of yesteryear, treasure seekers had to sift through a great amount of riverbed sediment for the desired golden nuggets. No one would ever consider hauling a ton of silt and rock to the bank–even if it contained the gold. That extra stuff was unnecessary and unhelpful. […]

Learn to Pan for Gold

Many of the necessary Kingdom advances today require teams to write the manual as they go.  And for some of you providing supervision to others, you’re going to have a hard time with giving them this absolutely necessary freedom. This does not mean teams must create something from nothing. Rather, […]

You Must Write the Manual

Two phrases are commonplace that hinder the mission. One is often assigned to church members; the other one seems to attach itself to church leaders. In theory, they appear to be different.  In reality, both are the same. This member says, “We’ve never done it that way before.” That leader […]

The Danger of “Prove It!”

My last post in this two-part series addressed the stewardship of innovation.  I noted if Jesus is building His Church (Matt 16:18) and His Church is filled with a dynamic Spirit (Acts 1:8), then the Church should expect change.  The need to be wise Kingdom stewards and make adjustments accordingly […]

Navigating Change

Of course, when my family and I visited Mouse-Land over Spring Break, we had to ride “It’s a Small World”–twice.  My socio-anthropological tendencies helped make this attraction worth the $50,000 price tag to visit the Magic Kingdom.  “It’s a Small World” satisfied my multicultural desires for the day. While I […]

It’s a Small World

Yesterday, in Alpharetta, Georgia, Dr. Ed Stetzer spoke to the leadership of the North American Mission Board.  While I was in Louisville and unable to be present, I caught a tweet that @NAMB_SBC attributed to Stetzer: “Creating a culture of multiplication is one of the hardest things we have to […]

Change the Atmosphere, Change the Culture