Monthly Archives: June 2011

Summer is here.  And along with summer comes vacation.  In light of my plans to experience rest and family and refrain from blogging, I thought I would leave you with a few of my previous posts from the past year-and-a-half.  That way, whenever you are having problems sleeping over the […]

The Past in Review

The Dehoney Center for Urban Ministry Training at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has released the Summer 2011 journal on the theme “Islam and the City.”  In addition to book reviews and a section on current research and dissertations, the following articles are found in this edition: “Understanding What Moves […]

Dehoney Center Journal of Urban Ministry

The population of the United States currently stands at 311,641,092, making it the third largest country in the world. Today, the U. S. Census Bureau released the following information: Through 2050, the United States is projected to remain in third place behind India and China among the world’s most populous […]

United States-Still Number Three

The United Nations has declared today World Refugee Day, so I have decided to use this post to bring this matter to your attention.  I believe that the international migration of peoples is one of the most influential social realities on the Church today and in all likelihood will continue […]

World Refugee Day

For the past two days I have been at the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College.  One of the wonderful groups of brothers and sisters with whom I have the honor of serving is the editorial/advisory committee for the Evangelical Missions Quarterly. While “editorial/advisory committee” sounds like the group that […]

Evangelical Missions Quarterly