We have the Most…Per Capita 1

I have discovered that every community in the United States has the most:

Unchurched per capita
Lost per capita
Homosexuals per capita
Atheists per capita
Muslims per capita
Agnostics per capita
Income per capita
Poverty per capita
New Age book stores per capita
Satan worshipers per capita
Witches per capita
Pot smokers per capita
Foreign-born per capita
Elementary school kids per capita
High school kids per capita
Stay-at-home moms per capita
Divorce rates per capita
Meth users per capita
Depression diagnoses per capita
Strip clubs per capita

In the past fifteen years of talking with other pastors, denominational leaders, and definitely church planters, I have encountered we have the most…per capita a gazillion times.

I am sure some of these statements were based on actual community facts.


What does it mean, if you tell me you have the most per capita and a month later someone in another location tells me the same thing, only to be followed by a similar statement by someone else in another location?

Answer: We evangelicals have the most members per capita who use the words, “per capita”.

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One thought on “We have the Most…Per Capita

  • Justin Long

    It means they heard an incredible, unbelievable statistic that they just have to repeat, without verification and even without thinking about it.

    “We have the most” = we are important

    (Ok, pretty cynical, but still)